
February 1st

There is a youngness and Springtime glory about the festival of Imbolc, which at first appears to be out of step with February’s stark and bitter Winter face.  We are reminded that during this time of year that the icy frost lies just beyond the door, so we make ourselves content with hearth, home, and the familiar. At Imbolc, Witches honor the triple Celtic Goddess Brid/Brigid/Bridget, in her maiden aspect. She is the Protector and Preserver of ALL Memory and Knowledge. She empowers her students with the wisdom to nurture the land, keeping it safe and productive and for the good of All. Brid may be a maiden at Imbolc, but she is pregnant with the young seed from the Sun, and thus is a Goddess of Fire and Fertility. Brid wears a crown of candles on this festival of Light. Until her light is fully born at Beltane, the seed of Spring is nurtured in her womb, and the home fires continue to burn through the final days and nights of Winter.

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